
Welcome to The Wellen Way

Hi there, wellcome (?) to Wellen Park!

We’re so excited to share this new name and new chapter for our community along Florida’s West Coast with you. West Villages is now a part of Wellen Park, and includes new districts: Downtown and Playmore. Although our masterplan name changed, we promise some things never will — like the fun times and good vibes you experience every single day. West Villages is now more amazing than ever!

With our new name, comes a bright, fresh new blog—The Wellen Way. Here, you’ll learn more about our friendly neighborhoods, endless amenities, downtown shops, events (even virtual ones), and much more. We’ll also highlight home builders, offer home tours, and even feature some of our outstanding residents, too.

Wellen Park’s name is derived from the German word “wellen,” which is rooted in both water and wellness. Wellen Park is a place where everyday fun flourishes and the spirit of wellness thrives. We hope that The Wellen Way will show you not only that but also how we create heartfelt connections and foster lifetime relationships. We want to give you the opportunity to discover a new place you can call home.

We’d love to hear from you. Please reach out to us at with your comments and questions, and connect with us on our Facebook and Instagram. Get excited about what’s to come!

With love,

Wellen Park

Find Your Way


Thank You.

We will be in touch soon.